Sunday, November 14, 2010

Dreams and Dreaming: Mental Inception

I am having slightly constant dreams every time I sleep. These have been bugging me for these past few days for reasons I can't explain. The dreams that I have are fixed onto one subject, dispersed in different scenes and different situations. Situations of these dreams that I have may either be happy or sad, heart-warming or heartbreaking, memorable or forgettable, and long-lasting or short-lasting.

I cannot decipher my dreams exactly, but considering having a constant subject, I slightly have an idea what my dream may mean though deciphering it may be tough. It's a complicated thing for me. I cannot bear the fact that this thing that I dream of almost every night makes me compulsive everyday to stimulate my senses into finding that stimulus for those good-slash-not-so-good dreams. Is it that feelings may play a role in the formation of dreams? I surely and absolutely cannot tell exactly why these happen, but one thing's for sure, some of these dreams that I'm having make me do stuff that differ from my usual everyday actions.

Dreams are the manipulations of the mind. If you saw the movie "Inception," you might remember the role of Ellen Page as the girl who is an "architect" of dreams (correct me if I'm wrong, I'd appreciate it). In our dreams, we are our own architects: we build dreams that suit our slumbering pleasure. We may devise dreams even before we enter deep sleep in order for us to feel good, making us sleep longer and frolic happily withing that oh-so-beautiful feeling of a dream.

Even though we conceptualize our own dreams, our subconscious may play a antagonistic role. Remember the role of Leo Di Caprio's deceased wife in the movie? She played an antagonistic role into tricking Leo's role and distracting him into doing what is different from the task at hand. If ever you may get a chance to dream a good one, there might be a moment within that dream that may cause you to worry, cry, and wake up in the morning seeing your eyes all teary and sobbing. That might be the role of the Shade, the fear that we most avoid that forms in our subconscious that is always ready to make us feel miserable and turn our dreams into nightmares. This is what happened to me last night, that is why I'm making this blog just to share my concept of what dreams are.

What if we can be the thief of our own dreams? Have you ever tried doing that within your subconscious? Within our dreams, we try and try again to steal, manipulate and delve deeper into our constructed dreams in order for us to attain the pleasurable feeling of euphoria. Dreams become better and even more long-lasting whenever we get to steal and manipulate the architecture of our dreams towards our liking. But even as we try to do those, sometimes something goes haywire and we don't get to feel the good vibe of our dreams. It is an inevitable reality, and it sucks big time.

To shorten this blog and not make it such an eyesore, I'd like to summarize important points: constant dreams mean something. One should consider knowing the meaning of those consistent dreams in order to find meaning into the dream that was felt. Dreams are the architecture of the mind: we are our own architects. Our dreams have a negative aspect into which our subconscious instills fear and sorrow into our vibrant dreams. Stealing and manipulating our own dreams is a double-edge sword: these may amplify good vibes or worsen bad feelings.

Either way, may it be good or bad, dreams really do have meaning. These dreams may be subjective, but these subjective projections tell us what we really think of and what we desire within our subconscious: desires that we wish we really have in reality.

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