Friday, October 22, 2010

My first post

It has been a while since I last blogged. The last time I blogged my heart out was months ago. I couldn't find the right time to blog it out again. I don't know, it's just, my blogging mind stopped functioning and my heart started keeping out any feelings that I may have been hiding for some time.

It feels good to blog again. It's now the sembreak and I'd like to take this time to open my new blogging page and post new blogs in this page. My MULTIPLY site (bodjiekinin) is now just for posting pics for people and friends to see. I still don't know if I'll ever blog there again. I just find blogging there, plain and incomplete.

Blogging on a new site feels great. I'm like moving to a new house, and fixing my thoughts inside my new home. I'd like to use this time to speak my heart out again and inform everyone who'll be reading this blog what I type and store in my works.

Blogging has been my hidden passion for years now. Ever since I was in college, I'd make blogs as a so-called "TIME CAPSULE," where I'd get to type in my thoughts and memories of fond moments with myself, my family, and friends which I can get to read again and again even as years pass by. The contents of my blog range from the usual "everyday story" to the "hurtful and offensive" blogs which made me gain more haters than friends. I don't mind people feeling happy or jovial, or disappointed and hateful of what I type. Blogs tell people of what I think of things, of people, of ideas. Hopefully everyone would get to understand what I really feel towards something through blogging.

I have to admit, I'm the shy type of person who barely gets to speak to others about everyday stories or other things. That is why I make blogs: I don't know where I'd share my thoughts and ideas to, but at least I'd get to share what I feel to the whole world through blogs and at least get their side of ideas on certain issues or topics. 

Don't think of me as a sad loner (like someone I know) who just keeps a live presence online and not real-time. Friendship is not gained through virtual presence alone. Friendship is best gained when meeting actual people. You get to share stories with them and talk about ideas. But there are some things that are meant to be typed and not spoken, thus blogs are made by people like me in order to speak out things better read than said.

I hope you, the reader, would get to follow my blogs again. I'd like to start this blog with this mental inception of mine. Hope you all get to appreciate my posts. 

Thank you!

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